How Efficient Is Solar Panel Roof Installation in New Jersey?

Are you considering switching to solar power in the Garden State? Well, you’re not alone! With the rising electricity rates here, solar panel roof installation has become a hot topic in New Jersey. Utilizing these panels in both residential and commercial properties leads to reduced electricity costs and has a beneficial effect on the environment. But just how efficient is this eco-friendly endeavor in the state known for its beautiful beaches and diverse communities? Let’s understand this! 

Boosting Solar Panel Efficiency in New Jersey 

The efficiency of solar panel installation in New Jersey is further enhanced by the state’s abundant 205 sunny days. Even though it’s smaller than some other states in the US, New Jersey gets its fair share of sunshine, making it a suitable spot for panel installation. That’s why more and more property owners in the Garden State are flipping the switch to solar power. Some want to slash their monthly bills, while others dig to have more control over where their power comes from and less reliance on the grid.

Furthermore, according to the SEIA, New Jersey’s solar potential is underscored by its ranking as the 8th state in the United States for total installed PV capacity. This ranking places it among the top solar-friendly states, following leaders like California, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, & Georgia. As the benefits of this energy become more apparent, New Jersey’s position as a leader in the nation is set to continue growing.

Advantages of Solar Panel Roof Installation in the Garden State

The Garden State is dedicated to diminishing its environmental impact by implementing solar panels, which offer numerous benefits such as:

Net Metering: Putting Money Back in Your Pocket

Net metering is the method used to calculate the total energy production and consumption on a single energy monitor. When your solar energy production matches your energy consumption, your energy monitor remains constant. Suppose you generate more energy than you use and feed surplus electricity back into the electric grid or return it to the electricity suppliers. In that case, your energy monitor registers a reverse count. 

Conversely, when you consume more energy than you produce, for instance, during the nighttime or on cloudy days, your energy monitor records every kilowatt-hour you use. In this way, your utility company effectively serves as a solar battery for your system, saving you substantial sums of money by installing a minor rooftop system and benefiting from cost savings within the solar electric system without needing an additional battery.

Financial Incentives

New Jersey provides a range of financial incentives to sweeten the deal regarding installing solar panels. One of the most attractive options is the Federal Solar Tax Credit, which offers a substantial tax benefit for a portion of your solar system’s expenses. According to EnergySage, this solar incentive enables you to pay less than 30 percent of the total system cost from your federal taxes. 

To illustrate, if your solar panel roof installation system costs you around $20,000, you can claim a tax deduction of $6,000. This advantageous incentive is available for residential systems until the end of 2032, after which it will be decreased to 26 percent.

Lower Energy Bills & Long-Term Savings 

The initial investment in solar PV panels may seem high, but it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits. Solar panel systems last more than two decades, providing a reliable energy source and significant savings on your electric bills. Your return on investment (ROI) can be impressive, especially with the various incentives and net metering programs in New Jersey.

By installing solar panels, homeowners can significantly reduce their energy bills. The price of a solar power system is determined by watts. According to Find Energy, the average cost per watt for a system in New Jersey is $3.53. To power an average home in the Garden State, you’d require a 7-kilowatt (kW) system, which adds up to approximately $24,680. 

On a national scale, the average cost for a solar system is slightly higher, coming in at $3.67 per watt. It’s important to remember that each installation is customized to fit your specific home, so your total cost will ultimately depend on the specific equipment and configuration you select.

Boosting Property Value

Solar panels have the potential to enhance the value of your home. According to a report from the NREL, your property’s value can increase by approximately $20 for every dollar reduction in your monthly energy bill. This makes solar panels a significant financial investment and contributes to a greener and more sustainable future.

Additionally, when you decide to sell your home, having solar panels in place can make it more attractive to environmentally-conscious buyers. It showcases your commitment to renewable energy and can set your property apart in the real estate market, potentially leading to quicker sales.

Choosing the Right Solar Installer for Efficient Solar Installation

For your solar panel installation to be efficient and cost-effective, choosing a reputable and experienced solar installation company is crucial. For this, it’s essential to conduct thorough research to identify a reputable company known for its use of high-quality equipment and its commitment to outstanding customer service. Make sure to assess whether the company holds the necessary licenses and certifications.

Opt for a solar company NJ with a strong local presence and a commendable reputation in your area. Reading customer reviews offer valuable insights into the company’s history of delivering top-notch installations. Additionally, prioritize companies that offer robust warranties for their services and products. Lastly, comparing pricing and exploring financing options from multiple installers is advisable before finalizing any contractual agreements.


The efficiency of solar panel roof installation in New Jersey is a crucial factor to consider when evaluating your energy consumption’s overall performance and cost-effectiveness. They must optimize various aspects such as panel placement, system size, and equipment quality to harness the maximum solar energy potential in Garden State’s diverse climate conditions. 

Choosing a solar company in NJ is essential to maximize these systems’ efficiency and long-term benefits. Homeowners in New Jersey can benefit significantly from partnering with reputable solar installers like Infinity Energy, as they have the expertise and experience to provide solar panel service.

Rajat Intelligent Daddy

Hi I’m Rajat, I love to read and write articles. I love to write content on different topics on behalf of different companies.

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